Well, we are already eight months old! We are still just sitting up and rocking back and forth..maybe thinking about crawling but prob not. She gets frustrated when something or someone(Maddie) is just out of reach. She kind of scoots backward and to the side but not forward...not sure how she thinks this will help!
We still like to grab, though maybe a little harder now. She will grab your skin or hair and just pull as hard as she can. Does not understand letting go at all...! She actually will get mad now when we take toys etc away from her. I guess that old personality is starting to appear...watch out!
We took a trip out to Colorado recently for a wedding, and I must say the airplane rides are not quite as pleasant as they used to be...she just moves and wiggles a lot more. The constant grabbing at things is tough when there are people sitting next to you....!
Things we like to do:
eat baby food
read(or chew) books
play with cousins and friend Lane
drink from a sippie cup(with mom's help)